The Happiness Advantage

twc-blog-happy-inlineMany in our society subscribe to the theory that if we, as individuals, work hard and find success, then we will know happiness.  How often, however, does this formula not lead to happiness?  How often does chasing success actually lead to a feeling of emptiness and dissatisfaction?  These questions, and years of research on the power of happiness, led psychologist Shawn Achor to develop his system of “positive education.”

Achor proposes that we need to reverse our current thinking and seek out happiness first in order to find success.  Numerous studies have shown that people who feel happy, supported, and optimistic in their current jobs tend to be much more productive and invested in the work that they do.  Their positive perspectives give them a unique “Happiness Advantage,” often leading to a higher level of success.  In his popular Ted Talk from 2012, Achor discusses the effects of dopamine, the hormone our bodies produce when we feel happy.  “Dopamine has two functions,” he explains.  “Not only does it make you happier, it also helps to open up all of the learning centers of your brain.”  When people are positive in the present, their minds tend to be more accurate and more active than when they are stressed and striving for success.

Achor also explains why seeking success in order to find happiness often leads to disappointment.  “Every time your brain has a success, you’ve just changed the goal post of what success looks like,” says Achor.  “You got good grades, now you have to get better grades.  You got into a good school, now you have to get into a better school.  You got a good job, now you have to get a better job. … If happiness is on the opposite side of success, your brain never gets there.  What we’ve done as a society is pushed happiness over the cognitive horizon because we think we have to be successful to be happier.”

Achor suggests making the following practices part of your daily routine in order to bring more positivity into your life:

  1. Gratitude – Be thankful, grateful, and appreciative of others.
  2. Journaling – Keep track of positive daily memories.
  3. Exercise – Learn self-discipline by committing to an exercise routine.
  4. Meditation  – Clear the mind and focus on the things that matter.
  5. Random Acts of Kindness – Do kind things for either the ones you love, or for complete strangers.

What are you going to do to reverse the formula and bring more positivity into your life?