Review by Myra Salzer A silver lining of the COVID pandemic for me has been reading more. I’ve never read so much. Ever! And I plan to continue even after we return to a post-COVID life. I initially made a deal with myself to read at least one non-fiction book between each set of fun […]
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Should You Do Less to Be More Productive?
Do you have the time to do nothing? It seems like a silly question, but it’s a real predicament for people in America and elsewhere today. We have been trained to try and be productive every minute of the day. We even feel guilty about taking time to do things that serve no real purpose, […]
Read MoreBook Review: “Shoe Dog – A Memoir by the Creator of Nike” by Phil Knight
Review by Myra Salzer I have had the luxury of reading more this past year due to COVID. My personal goal has been to discipline myself to learn and grow, and to give myself permission to relax and have fun. And so, I committed to alternating between growth books (self-help, business, philosophical, practical, psychological) and […]
Read MoreREAL ID Deadline for Travelers
*UPDATE: Since we posted this, Homeland Security has announced that this deadline has been moved to May 3, 2023.* —————————— Are you aware of the REAL ID requirements for travel that will begin later this year? The Department of Homeland Security has extended the deadline to October 1, 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and […]
Read MoreCalming Your Pandemic-Induced Anxiety
You may wonder what the best way is to avoid feeling buried in anxiety as we continue to navigate life in a pandemic. Consider implementing curiosity and kindness into your life! Remember, anxiety can arise when faced with fear or worry about the unknown. When we are apprehensive about what the short- or long-term future […]
Read MoreBook Review: “The Beneficiary Primer: A Guide for Beneficiaries of Family Trusts”
Reviewed by Myra Salzer This clear, unpretentious guide from Patricia M. Angus, Esq. is written for the individual who finds him/herself in a position of being a beneficiary of a trust before even knowing what a trust is. How refreshing it is to read a book about a legal document, written by an attorney, for […]
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