Architecting a Family-of-Affinity Office

Myra Salzer, founder of The Wealth Conservancy, and Rob Gordon, founder of United Interests, were guest speakers during a recent Purposeful Planning Institute teleconference. Their talk offers an overview of their journey of building a family-of-affinity office, and is centered on how taking responsibility for and integrating with newly acquired wealth goes way beyond financial planning and investment management.

Listen to their one-hour interview with Purposeful Planning Institute’s founder, John A. Warnick.

In 2010, Myra and Rob began building a family-of-affinity office for a group of investors preparing a simultaneous liquidity event. This strand of investors numbers in the hundreds, and is linked by a strong thread of social relationships. Knowing and projecting the needs of the group, and talking with many thought leaders in the field, the pair was inspired to design something new from the ground up. Myra wrote a book about it, The Cabin: Building a Family-of-Affinity Office.

The Cabin offers a new and unique structure for a family office (actually, a more accurate term is “multi-individual office”) that has a heavy focus on supporting graceful transitions, values-centered planning, and providing valuable education and resources that support the members’ growth.

Through The Cabin, Rob and Myra help readers see a broader horizon of possibilities for the family office and help members of family office see how to achieve their greatest ambitions.

Recommended Reading: The Cabin: Building a Family-of-Affinity Office by Myra Salzer (Details here.)
